Brittany Richardson is the Web Services Librarian at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Library. Her primary work includes front-end web development and content coordination. She conducts assessment of web content through UX testing, stakeholder feedback, and analytics. She strives to continuously improve user experience through collaborative efforts with colleagues across the library.
Library websites represent library services, resources, and information from a variety of library departments. How can we implement web content management strategies inclusive of these unique entities without subjecting the library’s web presence to disjointed editing or design by committee? This session will present collaborative methods that can be used by library web developers/content managers, including a framework for departmental content audits and mechanisms for obtaining internal stakeholder feedback on website redesigns. The benefits, and barriers, to implementing an increasingly open web design process will be discussed. Attendees will be encouraged to evaluate their library’s web content management processes and consider opportunities to improve the representation of all library departments.