Three’s a Charm: System Migration as a Collaboration Case Study

Cory Lampert is the Head of Digital Collections and a Professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Cory is responsible for leading a robust team responsible for digitization activities, metadata and linked data creation, and digital asset management. Her research interests include linked data, digital library competencies, and strategic planning for digital libraries. She is also active in several service activities focused on libraries and data, mentoring new librarians, and labor issues for contingent digital workers.

Darnelle Melvin is the Special Collections and Archives Metadata Librarian and an Assistant Professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where he is responsible for managing metadata activities, remediation projects, and metadata documentation. He is co-author of Linked Data for the Perplexed Librarian and researches metadata, linked data, and resource discovery in relation to digital libraries, repository migrations, and data integration.

Seth Shaw is an Application Developer for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Libraries dedicated to Special Collections and Archives. Previously, he was the Electronic Records Archivist for Duke University and an Assistant Professor of Archival Studies at Clayton State University. He has been developing IT solutions for special collections and archives, off and on, since his days as an undergraduate student.

As the information profession addresses ways to un-silo assets and operations within our organizations, information managers are realizing the critical need to engage collaboratively to solve problems and make more strategic decisions. The authors will discuss a case study that addresses this need and exemplifies a new model of collaboration. Through examining a library digital asset system migration implemented via a team approach, the presenters will share several empowering possibilities that are created when information technologists, metadata experts, and managerial professionals learn to work together as decision-makers. The team experienced challenges; and these challenges will be described as scenarios with multiple perspectives, challenges and approaches. Using visualizations, the presenters will illustrate the spectrum of organizational perspectives and associated assumptions and delve into common fears and perceived threats when negotiating resource commitments. With these themes exposed, the presenters will offer recommendations for navigating each scenario with a focus on improved and inclusive communication. Recommendations will focus on techniques to encourage healthy debate; particularly in regard to respectful assertion of preferences, effective translation of complex concepts, and streamlined decision-making in flat hierarchies like committee and team structures.
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